Plans suitable for every team

It's easy to deploy and scale Tilores - for all use cases in any environment.

No credit card required.


For quick set-up, dedicated instance infrastructure.

Get started for free, ingest up to 10,000 records.*

Unlimited free search requests.

Fully managed, serverless service. Pay for what you use.

Private Cloud

For deployment within your own cloud infrastructure.

Customized configuration to fit your use case. Enhanced technical support.

Price based on monthly data ingestion volume. 

Unlimited free search requests.

Fully serverless deployment in your own AWS account.


For large-scale workloads, managed on-premise.

Customized configuration to fit your use case. Enhanced technical support.

Price based on monthly data ingestion volume. 

Unlimited free search requests.

Customizable deployment. Fully on-prem or a hybrid of on-prem and serverless.

*for non-commercial use. 

Features Tilores SaaS Tilores Private Cloud Tilores On-Prem
Real-Time Data Ingestion & Searching
Free Search Requests Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
No Idle Costs N/A**
Infrastructure Fully Serverless Fully Serverless
(Customer AWS Account)
Containerized / Hybrid
(Containerized + Serverless)
Auto-Scaling N/A**
Backup & Disaster Recovery * N/A
Entity Triggers Webhook Stream N/A**
Snowflake Integration * N/A
SQL-Like Analytics UI AWS Athena N/A**
Search UI & Graph View N/A N/A
Data Normalization & Transformation
Geolocation & Geospatial Matching
Temporal Matching
Text Similarity & Distance Matching Algorithms 12 12 12
Phonetic Matching Algorithms 3 3 3
Transformation & Matching Configration UI + JSON JSON JSON

* Customer configuration

** Available for hybrid deployments

AWS Marketplace

You can also subscribe to Tilores SaaS via the AWS Marketplace to take advantage of your AWS credits, discounts and streamlined billing.

We also offer consulting services for companies of all sizes who need to improve their data quality and integrity.

The APi to unify scattered customer data in real-time.

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