Meet Tilores Team

Who we are?

At Tilores, we are a diverse group of passionate professionals dedicated to making a difference. Our talented team brings a unique blend of skills and expertise, fostering collaboration and innovation for the success of our clients.



Meet the Management Team behind the Tilores with over 40+ years of combined experience.

Stefan Berkner

Chief Technology Officer

Stefan is a passionate self-taught software engineer with 15+ years experience in developing entity resolution technology. At Regis24 he was Lead Software Engineer where he was responsible for leading the development of the technology that would go on to become Tilores.

Dr Steven Renwick

Chief Executive Officer

Steven is a driven entrepreneur with a PhD in Genetics from UCL and an MBA from Oxford University. Steven founded fintech company Satago, which is now part of TruFin (TRU:LSE). He also worked at Rocket Internet launching eCommerce businesses around the world. At Regis24 he was the Chief Product Officer.

Hendrik Nehnes

Chief Product Officer

Hendrik is an experienced tech leader used to dealing with big data infrastructure. Previously he was Group IT Director at the affiliate network giant Awin. At Regis24 he was the Chief Technology Officer, where he led the company's transition into cloud and serverless technology. 



Tilores is supported by both institutional investors and noted business angels

Tiny VC
First Momentum
Core Angels

Chris Schagen

Former CMO at Contentful

Nicolas Dessaigne

Co-founder of

Jan Oberhauser

Founder of

Charles Delingpole

Founder & CEO of ComplyAdvantage

Our History on

How Tilores Started

Stefan Berkner, Hendrik Nehnes and Steven Renwick were working together in the technology team of a German consumer credit bureau. Their challenge was how to handle hundreds of millions of datasets about tens of millions of people in a way that was both scalable and fast.

No technology on the market offered them the high-performance they demanded, so Stefan went back to the drawing board to come up with a new approach to entity resolution, leveraging serverless technology.

The new entity resolution technology worked so well, that Steven, Stefan and Hendrik proposed to spin the tech out into a new company to sell directly, and thus Tilores was born.



At the heart of our organization, we embrace these core values

Lead with Innovation

Our innovation is what sets Tilores apart. We must continue to push the boundaries of technology and never be satisfied with the status quo.

Learn Constantly

Always be curious. Every customer conversation is a learning opportunity. Every developent by a competitor gives new insights. Never be afraid to learn. 

Stay True

Stay true to our customers and stay true to our co-workers. Honesty in all aspects of our work is something that is never compromised. 

Empower Data for Good

We believe in the power of data to make the world a better place. Companies that work better with better data can themselves do more good.

Our newsletter


Unstructured in the name of our newsletter and the monthly data science event we host in Berlin. 

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The API to unify scattered customer data in real-time.

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