High performance. Real-time. Nocode.

Identity resolution software for fraud prevention, KYC & compliance

Deduplicate and unify customer data across data silos. 

Tilores AWS Partner
Tilores in the AWS Marketplace



Uncover the value trapped in your messy, inconsistent and duplicated customer data. Generate golden customer records with no manual effort. 

Fraud prevention

Detect and block returning fraudsters as soon as they sign-up. Unparalleled performance for real-time, scalable use cases.

KYC & AML compliance

Uncover the hidden relationships between customer accounts and transactions. Review connections via API or in the user interface.

Unify customers

Unify customer data across data silos and properties before downstream segmentation, analysis and activation in your customer data platform (CDP).

Why is

Identity Resolution Software Important?

Messy, inconsistent, duplicated and unlinked data can cause serious and costly problems for large enterprises. 

How many customers do you really have?

Duplicate customer data means compliance risks, difficulty in preventing fraud, and wasted money marketing to the same people.

Deduplicate your customer data

Deduplicate customer records in bulk or in real-time.

Connect customer data from different sources and across multiple data silios. 

Generate unified customer records for downstream activation in your CDP.

Identity resolution is the process of identifying and linking all the different data records that are associated with an individual customer.

Accelerate the value of your

Data in Days, not Years

Our no-code identity resolution software means its quick and easy to deduplicate and link your customer record data. 

Effortless Linked & Deduplicated Customer Data

Tilores is designed to work with machine learning-based algorithms, making it a valuable addition to any business that relies on data-driven fraud prevention strategies. By providing better data on which to run these algorithms, Tilores improves the overall fraud detection rate and reduce false positives.

Tilores was built by the tech team in a leading European consumer credit bureau to handle hundreds of millions of disparate data records in real-time.

Benefits for

Data Driven Companies

Enhanced Collaboration and Efficiency: The Impact on Data-Driven Companies.

Data Scientists

Consume golden customer records

The Way You Want

Suitable for analysts, data scientists or marketing teams.


Data Infrastucture

Real-time data ingestion

Your system is always up-to-date when data can be ingested via API into your identity resolution platform in milliseconds.

Lightning fast search

No matter how complicated the data, complete identity graphs with all associated data are returned via API in ~150ms.

No-code setup

Get deduplicated and record linked data quickly and easily without having to involve engineering teams. No-code makes it simple. 

Unlimited scalability

Tilores serverless architecture means it scale up and down immediately to handle any volume of data with no manual intervention.

Zero maintenance

No need for engineers or devops teams to maintain code or servers. Serverless Tilores just keeps on running with no maintenance requirements. 

Data governance

A dream for compliance teams. Data provenance rules, easily-explained rules based linking, comprehensive audit trails and configurable data access control. 

Get started with Tilores today

The API to unify scattered customer data in real-time.

The API to unify scattered customer data in real-time.

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