CRM Deduplication Tool

Free CRM Deduplication

Duplicate data in your customer relation management (CRM) system can be a real pain, creating inefficiencies, inhibiting marketing and preventing you having a proper 360° view of your customers. 

Try our free CRM deduplication tool, to sort the mess in your customer data. 
  1. Download the sample file, and run it in our deduplication tool to see how the deduplication works with test data.
  2. When using the tool on your own CRM data, you will need to use the exact headers in the sample file. Simply delete the test data and replace it with your own.
  3. Ater processing, each record from your CRM file will be given an entity ID. Where Tilores detects that two records are the same these records will have the same entity ID. These records should be merged in your CRM.

    Note: Tilores can be configured to any data schema for real-time or batch deduplication from any CRM system, or other data source. The merging process can be automated in your CRM system. 

You can upload as many CRM records here as you like, but only 1000 deduplicates records will be returned. If you would like to use Tilores to deduplicate your entire CRM, and automate the merging process, please get in touch.  



When you need to do fuzzy matching on high-volume data in real-time, you need a built-for-purpose technology: enter Tilores.

Consistently fast search response times

Built for unlimited serverless scaling

Real-time data ingestion and simultaneous search.

Configure matching rules easily in the UI

Data privacy compliant by design

The API to unify scattered customer data in real-time.

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