Pricing that scales with your customers

The best way to use Tilores is Tilores Cloud, a fully-managed service available in the AWS region of your choice. Customers who want to manage Tilores themselves, can use our self-hosted version in their own AWS account, or our on-premise version in their own infrastructure. 

Pay based on number of customers

Pay based on number of Unified Customer Records (UCRs) - not data records. Each customer is only counted once, no matter how many records they have.

As volumes increases, UCR cost decreases

The more customers you have, the less you pay per Unified Customer Record.

Use Tilores for free, forever

For low data volumes, you can use Tilores at no cost on our Free Plan.


Up to 200,000 UCRs


Up to 2 million UCRs


Unlimited UCRs

Community Version
  • Up to 1,000 UCRs for free for both commercial and non-commercial use.
  • Ideal for getting started with data unification.
  • No credit card required.

AWS Marketplace

You can also subscribe to Tilores SaaS via the AWS Marketplace to take advantage of your AWS credits, discounts and streamlined billing.

We also offer consulting services for companies of all sizes who need to improve their data quality and integrity.

Frequently asked questions

Do you offer a free trial?

You can ingest up to 1000 Unified Customer Records (UCRs) for free for any use case, commercial or non-commercial. 

What is a Unified Customer Record?

A Unified Customer Record (UCR) is how we measure your use of Tilores. If you ingest 10,000 data records from various data sources, and when unified they represent 1,000 customers, then you have 1,000 UCRs.

The benefit of UCRs to you is that your Tilores costs are always in proportion to your number of customers, rather than your volume of data.

Do you offer special pricing for nonprofits, students or educators?

Yes, we offer discounts to nonprofits, students and academic institutions.

For academic research, we offer a free package. Please get in touch with us for further information.

How do Enterprise plans work?

For customers that have more than 10 Million UCRs, different packages are offered based on your estimated number of UCRs.

Special pricing is available for unlimited UCRs if you expect to have more than 1 Billion.

Can I upgrade my plan?

Yes, you can upgrade at any time. Contact us and we wi ll help you find the best plan for your needs. 

How do I predict my number of UCRs?

This depends on the level of customer duplication in your data sources. If you have one customer data source, with 1 million customer records and a 15% duplicate rate, then you would have 850,000 UCRs.

Can I add more UCRs to my plan?

Yes, Starter plan customers can add packages of 1 Million UCRs.
Growth plan customers can add packages of 1 or 10 Million.
Enterprise customers can add packages of 10 Million.

How many data sources can I have?

You can have as many data sources as you like feeding into your Tilores. You are only charged based on the total number of UCRs.

How are API searches charged for?

Searching is free with Tilores. You can make as many searches via API as you want.

What are Unify and Activate?

Unify and Activate are two Tilores products.

If you only need to unify your data in bulk, then you might only need Unify.

If you want to use Tilores' real-time capabilities, then you would use Unify + Activate.

How are Unify and Activate charged for?

Unify and Activate are charged seperately.

It is possible to use Unify on its own to unify your customer data. To use Activate, you need to also use Unify.

Can I have multiple Tilores instances?

You can have as many Tilores instances as you want. e.g. development, testing, production 1, production 2.

Your number of UCRs for pricing, is the sum of the UCRs across all your instances.

The API to unify scattered customer data in real-time.

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