Where Data Science Meets Business


Once a month we host "Unstructured" - a speaker event looking at the intersection of data science and business.

The talks are accessible to data scientists and business people alike and you are welcome to join us in person at betahaus in Berlin, or to join the live online stream.    


Previous Speaker Events

Watch Previous Industry Expert Talks on Identity Resolution and Data Governance.

You are an Investor (even if you don't know it) - Elad Verbin, Lunar Ventures

Explainable Features for Data Science in Business. Shivani Jadhav of Scoutbee

Transforming with Transformers - Ceyhun Derinbogaz

Graphs are the Future of Unsupervised Learning - Cristiana de Azevedo and Abhishek Singh

Data science consulting lessons - Paulo de Melo

What is Neural Search... and why should I give a damn? - Alex CG

Lessons learned in building data products - Patrick da Silva 

What you need besides Machine Learning to put ML into production - Dr Mikio Braun

Using Dyson Sphere Program to Tile the World - Stefan Berkner

When Natural Language Processing (NLP) meets Football - Louis Guitton

Via Negativa for Data Projects - Boyan Angelov

The API to unify scattered customer data in real-time.

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